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According to the tribe of Amma, Ammatoa existed since the human being is born into the earth. According to them there together with human Amma before-before we (Homo erectus). So, Ammatoa has existed since ancient times. Kajang community still firmly held the ancestral message called Pasanganga Ri Kajang where natural and cultural authenticity that only survive and remain intact. They also remain obedient to the customs regulations and still run a very simple lifestyle. This is reflected in the
black clothing that represents their everyday clothes. Similarly, the uniform building their homes north facing wooden houses shaped like a regular stage-house model in rural areas in Sulawesi.

Kajang is not only ‘a name’ in the region Bulukumba, but also synonymous with trust. Not only the physical matter that is displayed with a uniform everyday 'black' but also those whose faith is strong and unshakable adopted these principles. Ammatoa society lives in general principled kamase-masea. That is the conception to the charge: lambusu '(honest), gattang (firm), sa'bara (patient), and apisona (totally defenseless). This principle is stated in the emotional bond that is part and parcel of the belief system because it contains sacred values is accompanied by rewards and sacred sanctions. Activities that occur in their lives is an activity in achieving goals rather than earthly life, but the purpose of faerie (along with "God" and Tu Salama 'in a place that has been promised). "Natural voice is the voice of God" is a life guide of Kajang people that living in the far Bulukumba, in choosing their traditional leaders. This belief makes indigenous leader who is often referred to as sacred Ammatoa.

Location of the kitchen is right in front the living room so guests can find out what is being cooked on the host. According to a local citizen, it marks the Kajang community that is always open to visitors. They live in harmony with nature causes us to not find a modern transportation such as cars or motorcycles in the area due to modern transportation facilities are not allowed in the area of Kajang. Kinds of transportation they use are a horse that is one of their pets as well as cows, buffaloes, goats, chickens, and ducks. This scene looked when I entered the town of Kajang few weeks ago. A boy without a shirt is bathing a buffalo in the river at the edge of a rocky road.

Concerning education, many residents are also considered about education for them and their children. As evidence, there are some people who become leaders Ammatoa education among the people who have undergone many changes (modernization). However, developments in science and technology should not be brought into the territory Ammatoa, as because they resist changes in their culture. This can be justified, because after making direct observations, society did not know there as technology changes outside Ammatoa. We never saw the TV, radio, or bicycle. Their lives are very natural.

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