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This community with Konjo mother language has chieftain called Ammatoa. Kajang community regards Ammatoa as blessed. Anyone wanting to see him must wear a shirt and black sarong and without shoes, should be like a Kajang people. Ammatoa is indigenous leaders and lifetime tenure.

An Ammatoa can not be said to be a leader if not able to act wisely on its citizens. Because of that reason, an Ammatoa is granted written regulation so he can perform tasks with all his best, called the Pasang (sort of a written order).
Pasang that contains a message from Turiek Akrakna (the Almighty) to Ammatoa are cannot be changed, plus and minus. It must be run by Ammatoa with the intent that the living world can run normally.

Alighting of Turiek Akrakna believed by Kajang people in the middle Borong Karamaka. Therefore, the place down of Turiek Akrakna then taken as Passamayaya (where begging His blessing), place of appadongkok paknganro or apparuntuk paknganro (putting offerings) to Turiek Akrakna and place of ammole niak (to meet the desires / appointment as a sign thank you because his praying was granted by Turiek Akrakna).

Turiek Akrakna is much sanctified by Kajang people. The place was really not inviolable and can only be visited during a ritual ceremony. While on a typical day is considered kasipalli (taboo, forbidden) to enter it. Seen from the environment policy and the belief that the place was sacred, so no one allows entering it perform great benefits.

Pasang is never wrong. But if there are mistakes that man who have one. To be able to know the details of the contents of pairs defined by abborong activities (gathering) deliberation of all citizens Keammatoaan (Kajang) fully grown. This meeting is an effort to adjust Pasang with the development of society and the environment that occurred on this day.

In charge of traditional leadership Ammatoa leaders select five people to run the wheels of government. Five leaders appointed by Ammatoa with agreements, such as unfriendly nature of the death of plants and animals, or natural disasters, five traditional leaders must be willing to remove his post.

A harmony atmosphere in this region is probably due to traditional Ammatoa or customary leaders who helped by five traditional leaders, that vigorously implement the customary rules, difficult to execute. Ammatoa even harder in the running of this rule can be seen from the house belonging to people who are considered sacred. Houses of Traditional leaders are the ugliest house. The walls were only made of bamboo, while five other traditional leaders have a better house than Ammatoa. But in running his leadership, the five leaders are subject to customary social contract. They can be suspended from office if they make a mistake that can be viewed from natural phenomena.

Ammatoa is being very respected and very stable, especially to keep Pasangnga Ri Kajang. Trust the most important thing is to preserve the forests, because forests are the soul and life of citizens of Kajang. Being a Ammatoa require great sacrifices.

People believed that Ammatoa was the last person who will experience the welfare if people Tanatoa already gained their prosperity, but became the first person who will feel the poverty. Being, Ammatoa not easy position for life. His promise through certain rituals. Ammatoa election can be said quite mystical. Ceremony called Panganro.

When people choose a candidate to become Ammatoa, the candidates have been running into the woods. Nobody knows what happened in the forest until today. It is said that only candidates selected to enter into the forest and returned safely.

People believed that Ammatoa handpicked by Turiak Rakna or God Himself, and given the ability to preserve the forest and forest guards to communicate with their ancestors. If Ammatoa died (Kajang languages: linrung), the new customs officers would be appointed to preside over three years, after that a new Ammatoa elected by citizens.

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