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Culture is only possessed by humans because only people, who vote, agree and maintain their culture to remain durable. That culture can also be studied and taught both orally and in writing that took place from time to time over generations. Culture also has a pattern as a result of being taught the culture. In addition, there is a link (relationship) a very close relationship between the cultural, natural and human environment are interrelated to one another. This is
called interaction. Man and culture can also be varied and changed. The interactive relationship between humans and the environment that can vary and change although there are similarities.

One other important thing is the cultural systems of human adaptation. Adaptation can also be said that a strategy in interacting with their environment, both the human adaptation to the environment (physical), social or ideological. This then becomes the system of ideology, social and technological. Adaptation also has a diachronic nature (length) and synchronic (short) is used to determine the variation (synchronic) and change (the diachronic). 

Among the tribes there, in South Sulawesi Province, Bulukumba, Kajang Subdistrict, there is one group of society that holds strong traditions. They maintain that the patterns of cultural value system born from the legacy of their ancestors and are less likely to accept, even partially rejected entirely new things (modernization). Kajang is a sub-ethnic communities Makassar ethnics who live in certain areas. This regions has population of less than 5000 inhabitants somewhat isolated from the outside world and modernization. Customs is located in the Village area Ammatoa Tanahtoa Kajang, Kajang district is 56 km from the capital Bulukumba (153 km from Makassar), South Sulawesi, with an area of 182 square kilometers.

Geographically and administratively Kajang divided into the customary Kajang Insider and Outsider. Kajang insider communities scattered in several villages including the village of Tana Toa, Bonto Baji, Malleleng, Pattiorang, Batu Nilamung and most of at Tambangan. Kajang insider community Area as a whole is bordered with Tuli in northern, Limba in eastern, Seppa in southern and Doro in western. Meanwhile, Kajang Outsider spread in almost all Kajang districts and some villages in the district Bulukumpa, including the Village Jojolo, Tibona, Bonto Minasa and Batu Lohe.

Community Ammatoa easily recognizable because it shows characteristics that distinguish it from other social groups. Specifications are not only imposed on attributes such as dress pants that almost touch your knees, sarong, robe, headband used to people, all black.

Here's a little story about Kajang ancient culture in South Sulawesi in an effort to adapt to the natural environment, particularly forests based on their culture that has continued today.

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