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For the people of Kajang entering the woods, especially if chop down trees can endanger lives and livelihoods. It mentioned in the first of Pasang of Turiek Akrakna to Ammatoa contain ‘jaga lino lollong bonena, kammayatompo langika, rupa tauwa siagang borongnga’ (keep the world and its inhabitants, and the sky, people and forests).

To preserve the forests in their neighborhood, community Kajang applying customary law. If in the area occurred in the forest timber theft and the perpetrator were not
known then to perform the ceremony by Ammatoa called attunu panrolik (crowbar burning) and attunu passauk (incense burning). Ceremonial activities listed in the Pasang.

Ammatoa will be asked to collect all citizens in cases of timber theft and the perpetrators are unknown. Ammatoa will appoint officer on orders as Puto Duppa Gamaru that will burn a crowbar to become red hot. After that every person attends required to hold a hot crowbar to know who the perpetrators of illegal logging. An easy way to find the culprit, because the theft would feel the heat, while a resident who’s not the perpetrator wouldn’t feel any heat. However, until now when there are events of timber theft none of residents who feel the heat. Therefore possible that timber theft is a citizen who comes from outside the area Kajang.

Although escape from attunu panrolik exam does not mean residents can breathe easier. Because after attunu panrolik there are still other tests that attunu passauk (burning incense). Attunu Passauk conducted by their own Ammatoa together with indigenous leaders in Borong Karamaka when in attunu panrolik not produces the culprit.

Before the event, preceded by Puto Beceng is announcing to the citizens, every day for a full month regarding to attunu passauk ceremony because there were trees cut down and the perpetrators are unknown. Interestingly, besides the announcement conveyed by word of mouth also by the sound of beating drums from inside a house Ammatoa with a certain rhythm.

Within one month grace period is expected from an agent or someone who knows acting consciously and promptly admit it or report on the perpetrators who have committed to Ammatoa. If up to one month time limit no one came to admit his actions, so it was forced attunu passauk ceremony.

The ceremony was held at midnight during the full moon in the middle Borong Karamaka where they used to do assamaya and appadongko paknganro (begged his blessing and put the offering). This ceremony is a magical feel that not everyone can attend. The aim, of course, actors are reluctant to get recognition from Turiek Akrakna punishment in the form of successive disasters that may occur. The disaster was not only imposed on the perpetrators but also occurs in the family, especially descendants. Even people who know but are reluctant to report such action to Ammatoa. Like to mention in the Pasang, the affected players will experience poor life of all time, will not be illuminated by the sun from all directions.

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