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Kajang community efforts in preserving the forest does not mean they are closing the forest area and should not be touched. Instead they try to manage them in a way that ensures the use of natural resources. That they believed inherent in the system of 
Pasang where they understand the principles of human ideology - the sky - forest. Similarly, if any sanctions on illegal logging in the forest for no apparent reason to be obeyed by the Kajang community as a social system they run. Therefore, the Kajang only use dry wood that fell from the trees used for firewood.

Similarly at the time they decide when to go to the field. Natural signs that are used as benchmarks to give them an idea how wise in managing their natural environment. For them, Kajang community who do not follow the agreement and then receive the sanction so that the social system here go hand in hand with ideological systems (such as those found in Pasang) as well as technological systems (agriculture) to them.

The principle of simplicity is reflected in their everyday clothes of black and using tools of non-manufacturing is that they use technology systems. Although the use of homemade instruments, now seems to have started to change because society Kajang wear factory-made instruments, such as plastic buckets and basins. Except in the traditional ceremonies that are still using natural tools. Changes in the use of equipment on public Kajang Kajang shows society's adaptation to its environment. Perhaps, now they are very difficult to obtain raw materials for making the equipment they need because the raw materials that have been exploited by outsiders. So that the feared sanctions by the Kajang community seems powerless against outsiders.

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