Tanah Beru is located 24 Kms to the East of Bulukumba. Tanah Beru is a Symbol of Bulukumba as the land of boat - builders BUTTA PANRITA LOPI.
This a place are famous phinisi boat, the phinisi boat called Phinisi Nusantara had sailed crossing the pacific ocean to Vancouver, Canada, Ammanagappa sailed until
Madagaskar, Hati Marege sailed the ocean of south of east Timor until Darwin, Australia and Damar Sagara sailed to Philippine-Japan-Africa. Bonto Bahari people combined their technical skill and magic to build the boat. People of area and Lemo - Lemo are expert of making phinisi boat but are not good sailors. People of Bira are expert in sailing but they don't have skill to build phinisi. In this pleace you will feel amazing to watch people of Bonto Bahari skill building a phinisi with traditional tools. Each phinisi building holds a traditional ceremony.