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The National Park of Bantimurung - Bulusaraung, South Sulawesi, sized ± 43.750 Ha. Administratively this park is located partly on Maros Region and Pangkajene Islands (Pangkep) District, 30 KM from New Hasanuddin Airport and 60 KM from Makassar. Geographicly, it is laid between 119° 34’ 17” – 119° 55’ 13” E. and 4° 42’ 49” – 5° 06’ 42” S. The National Park of Bantimurung Bulusaraung shares its northern boundary
with Region of Pangkep, Barru and Bone; Eastern boundary with Region Maros and Bone; Southern boundary with Region of Maros; Western boundary with Region of Maros and Pangkep. On your visit to this national park, you will find some nature exploration site such as:
  1. Bantimurung Waterfall, one of the famous natural sightseeing in South Sulawesi with 20 M wide, 15 M height and 0.1 – 1 M depth. The heavenly lucid and fresh water will relax your tension and up beat life. Under the waterfall, you will find bathing place that made of hard lime stone layer covered with mineral coat as the effect of century water stream.
  2. National Museum of Butterfly, it’s knownly as Kingdom of Butterfly. In the park of which the museum locates are the living spaces for unique and primeval species of butterflies. In 1856-1857, an England Naturalism, Alfred Rassel Wallace, stayed over in this area and did study research of 150 butterfly species.
  3. Leang-Leang Prehistoric Park, located in bluff chalk hills. The archeology believed that some caves in this area were the “home” of ancient human of 3000-8000 B.C., as signed by the wall painting (hand print and pig deer). Besides, they found some oceanic stuff, looks like coral, mentioned that this island ever been sinking and or surrounded by ocean.
  4. Stone Cave.
  5. Dream Cave.

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