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Indonesian culture is a whole national culture, local culture, and culture originating from overseas that has been established in Indonesia before the independence of Indonesia in 1945.

National culture is easy to understand as a culture that is recognized as a national identity. The definition of national culture by the Assembly, No.II 1998, namely: national culture based on Pancasila is the embodiment of copyright, works, and intention of Indonesia and is a comprehensive effort to improve Indonesian human dignity as a nation, and directed to provide insight and significance to national development in all areas of national life. As such, the National Development is a development that cultured.

Also mentioned in subsequent chapters that national culture also reflects the lofty values of the nation. Clearly, the boundaries of national culture as formulated by the national development-oriented government based on the spirit of Pancasila. National culture in view of Ki Hajar Dewantara is "the culmination of regional culture." Quote this statement refers to the idea of unity is more established, so that more and more clear from the unity in diversity. Its form a unitary state, the national economy, national laws, as well as the national language.

The definitions given by Koentjaraningrat can be seen from his statement: "a unique and quality from every ethnic origin, the origin could identify themselves and create a sense of pride, that the national culture." This statement refers to the peak of regional culture and ethnic culture could lead to a sense of pride for Indonesia if it is shown to represent a common identity.

The statement contained in the guide (GBHN) is a translation of the 1945 Constitution Article 32. Today the Indonesian culture figures to question the existence of regional cultures and national cultures associated with the removal of three-sentence explanation on Article 32 and the emergence of a new paragraph. They questioned the possibility of division by the local culture if the restrictions on national culture are not explained clearly.

Before the amendment, the Basic Law of 1945 uses two terms to identify the regional culture and national culture. National culture, culture is a long and contains genuine peaks in the regions throughout Indonesia, while the national culture itself is conceived as cultural geese have been in a position that has meaning for the entire Indonesian nation. In a unifying national culture there are elements of Indonesian society which is conscious and has spread nationwide. In it there are elements of culture and cultural elements of foreign nations, as well as elements of the new creation or national findings.

  1. ^ Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Wujud, Arti dan Puncak-Puncak Kebudayaan Lama dan Asli bai Masyarakat Pendukukungnya, Semarang: P&K, 199], Hal 41-42.
  2. ^ [http:// Nunus Supriadi, “Kebudayaan Daerah dan Kebudayaan Nasional”
  3. ^ Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradsional, Kongres Kebudayaan 1991: Kebudayaan Nasional Kini dan di Masa Depan, [ Jakarta: P&K, 1992], hal 247

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